festivals | KROKODIL - Part 6
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‘The EU enlargement is stuck. Serbia has failed to implement all the necessary reforms and apply the separation of powers, and the EU has realised that Serbia hasn’t made much progress with reforms. However, there have been some changes because the EU has realised that...

The first evening of the KROKODIL Festival in Novi Sad kicked off with the ‘Debate on Europe’. It was moderated by journalist Marina Fratucan and the participants were Aida Ćorović, Dragan Bursać and Boris Dežulović. ‘I wish I could welcome you in a city that...

As part of the programme of the third evening of the 14th Krokodil Festival, which took place at the Centre for Cultural Decontamination, the audience met the artists from the projects CELA (Connecting Emerging Literary Artist) and The Poets Sounds, realised in cooperation with Lettretage...

‘My writing is triggered by infinite human stupidity – we are doomed to deal with Tuđman and Milošević, our small provincial fascists, the likes of Vučić and Šešelj’, said Boris Dežulović yesterday, during the second evening of the KROKODIL Festival. Talking to Mima Simić, he spoke...

The Monstrous Festival of Literature and Illustration for Children KROKODOKODIL is held for the fifth time on Friday, November 17, at 1 PM in the Youth Theater Dadov, ul. Desanka Maksimović street # 6, Belgrade, Serbia. The title of the upcoming KROKODOKODIL - Journey to the Centre of...