Dear friends,
The KROKODIL Association has since December of last year been helping a Palestinian family of 5 brothers and sisters together with their parents, spouses and children. We helped them evacuate from Gaza and come to Belgrade where their brother Hassan has already been living for many years. Thanks to individual donations / crowdfunding campaigns we have managed to provide them with the most basic living necessities for a few months and the campaign is still ongoing.
One of the things they still lack are books for children in Arabic (picture books, educational books for children, children’s stories books etc.). The kids who are 10, 9, 7, and 3 years old don’t know English or Serbian yet, so they can only read / understand Arabic.
Since books in Arabic are next to impossible to find anywhere in Serbia, we would kindly like to ask you for help. If you could spread the word amongst your connections, networks and if there would be someone willing to donate a few children’s books in Arabic, we (and the family) would be highly grateful.
You can bring your donation to KROKODIL Center or send it via mail to the address as follows: Association KROKODIL, 43 Karadjordjeva st. 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Also please feel free to share the info among your communities since we are struggling with long term fundraising in Serbia.
Your assistance and help will be highly appreciated!
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