14 Oct open call for Villa Sarkia residency program for writers and translators
Villa Sarkia is a residency for writers and translators regardless to nationality, language or genre, located in the centre of Sysmä, Finland. The residency is primarily intended for writers born in 1983 or after. Staying in Villa Sarkia is free for selected residents. The application deadline is 31.10.2022 at 23.59.
The spring term residencies take place between 2nd January 2023 and 30th June 2023, autumn term residencies between 3rd August and 29th December 2023. Working periods for 1-2 months are available for solo appliers, working groups can apply for shorter terms in September and April. International residents are considered especially in August residencies: chosen writers might have a possibility to perform in Poetry Moon festival in Helsinki.
Apply form and instructions + more information can be found here: https://nuorenvoimanliitto.fi/tiedotteet/villa-sarkia-residenssin-haku-vuodelle-2023
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