08 May Predrag Lucić
Predrag Lucić was born on 12th February 1964 in Split, where he still has not died. His schooling was elementary, secondary and even higher. He got stuck in journalism, for which he never went to school, and he never will. He is one of the people to be blamed for the existence and dissapearance of the Feral Tribune, obscure weekly of Croatian anarchists, protestants and heretics.
From the small age he wanted to work as a salesman in kiosk, but he never managed to become one. He still hopes that he will be selling Stripoteka, cigarettes and pelinkovac liquer to good people, and for that reason he named his daily column, published in Novi list since 2009, Trafika (Kiosk).
Instead of something smart he published an anthology of contemporary Croatian stupidity Greatest Shits, together with that Dežulović. Without Dežulović, he published a poetry collection Haiku haiku jebem ti maiku (Haiku haiku fuck your moiku). Without any explanation he set free a book of lyric poetry Ljibavnici iz Verone (Lovers from Verona), and up to this day it is not known who’s related to who there. Horifying Kruno Lokotar, he compiled a pretty fat textbook of depraved literature for the first grades of military, religious and civilian schools Sun Tzu na prozorčiću (Sun Tzu on Little Window), and now even this…
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