02 Dec Zapošljavamo!
Novi izazovi, rast i promene zahtevaju i nove ljude u timu. Zato želimo da angažujemo novog kolegu ili novu koleginicu na poziciji: Projektni menadžer/ka (sa punim radnim vremenom) PROJECT MANAGER POSITION OPENING *(Text...
Novi izazovi, rast i promene zahtevaju i nove ljude u timu. Zato želimo da angažujemo novog kolegu ili novu koleginicu na poziciji: Projektni menadžer/ka (sa punim radnim vremenom) PROJECT MANAGER POSITION OPENING *(Text...
Congratulations to the Selected Organizations! We are delighted to announce the selected civil society organizations that will participate in the Liberté, Égalité, Solidarité forum at Palić Lake from December 9–12, 2024. This...
We are pleased to announce that Milena Berić, Managing Director of the KROKODIL Association, has been elected as a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy. This remarkable achievement...
U sredu, 27. novembra, u prijatnoj atmosferi KROKODILovog Centra, uz sveže pripremljen doručak, održan je susret sa norveškim piscem Simonom Strangerom, 138. gostom KROKODILove kuće za pisce. Ovaj događaj, osmišljen...
We are thrilled to announce the four exceptional members of the selection committee for the LIBERTE, EGALITE, SOLIDARITE forum! The selection committee consists of Vladimir Arsenijević, President of the KROKODIL Association;...
Thank you for your submissions! Applications for the 1st Serbian and Ukrainian CSO Forum, LIBERTE, EGALITE, SOLIDARITE, are closed. The selected organizations will be contacted by the end of this week. We...