30 Jul Front Line Defenders for KROKODIL activists
A big shout out to Front Line Defenders.
Without your support during the previous six months, we would not be able to win our first battles in the court! #SLAPP Also we wouldn’t be able to provide better surveillance and therefore ensure higher security for our offices, employees and KROKODIL Center too!
Your emergency support is highly appreciated as well as support of the American BAR Association.
Thank you for your understanding, dedication, openness and support!
If you want to support us in defending our activists’ rights via institutions and in that way practice democracy, do reach us at office@krokodil.rs
Front Line Defenders (FLD) is an international human rights organisation founded in Dublin in 2001, with the specific aim of protecting human rights defenders at risk (HRDs).
FLD works to improve the security and protection of human rights defenders and organisations around the world at risk for their peaceful and legitimate human rights work. As identified by human rights defenders themselves, FLD responds to protection and security needs by providing support through grants, capacity building, visibility, networking, and advocacy, at the international, regional and local levels. Front Line Defenders has been awarded the 2018 United Nations Human Rights Prize.