17 Mar Projekcija nagrađenih filmova Positively Different Short Film Festivala
Projekcija nagrađenih filmova u okviru filmskog festivala Positively Different Short Film Festival 2023
Nedelja, 19. mart, 20 časova
KROKODILov Centar, Karađorđeva 43 (ulaz s Malih stepenica)
Cena ulaznice je 200 dinara, a sav prihod je namenjen Solidarnoj kuhinji. Broj mesta je ograničen na 35.
Pozivamo vas na projekciju kratkih filmova koji su nagrađeni u okviru filmskog festivala Positively Different Short Film Festival 2023 koja će se održati u nedelju 19. marta od 20h u KROKODILovom Centru. Filmovi koje ćete moći da pogledate su sledeći:
“5PM Seaside”, 2022, 25m, Grčka (On his 40th birthday, Nikos, a solitary truck driver, arrives on a remote beach. He’s there to meet his former lover, Christos, whom he hasn’t seen since their military days.)

“Left Handed”, 2021, 15m, Iran (Maryam is a 38-year-old woman who heads a family of four. Struggling to pay off her debts, she decides to go to extreme measures, and slowly prepares for her new life. However, a new fate is determined for her.)

“9th Floor to the right”, 2022, 16m, Francuska (One evening in his Belleville apartment, Lorenzo is getting ready to receive Marvin for the first time, a boy he really likes. Marvin shows up at his door with Thomas, a homeless man he met on the street looking to have a shower. Lorenzo doesn’t dare say no…)