30 Sep Selected candidates for literary residencies on the project Spaces of Freedom
Association KROKODIL, as an independent organization from Belgrade with literary, artistic and socio-political activities has decided to provide shelter and support to Ukrainian literary creators on top of other activities related to Ukraine such as collecting humanitarian help for the City Perinatal center in Kharkiv etc. Being that a large number of Ukrainian writers have been offered similar programs in many European countries, we decided to open the doors of our residence for writers to all literary creators (including, besides prose writers and poets, also essayists, translators, editors, cultural journalists, comic book authors, theoreticians, columnists, singer-songwriters, rappers, spoken word performers, etc.).
This project of the Association KROKODIL is supported by The European Cultural Foundation, Heinrich Böll Foundation, FRIDA and Pobunjene čitateljke.
Below is the list of eight successful applicants who were chosen for a literary residency:
1.Марк Лівін, writer
2. Юлія Ілюха, writer
3. Марина Михайлюк, historian
4. Зоряна Гук, translator
5. Элина Слободянюк, writer
6. Роман Трифонов, linguist and writer
7. Анна Луцюк, writer
8. Тетяна П’янкова, writer
We would like to congratulate the selected residents and wish them success with the projects they will be working on during their stay.
Our congratulations and best wishes also go to everyone who applied. We received a great number of high-quality applications.